Thursday, February 14, 2008

the glue of friendship

acts of giving to others
what we seek ourselves.

1 comment:

Cook Around the Block said...

the glue of friendship...

My favorite book of all time is from 1903 - 'Friendship' by Hugh Black. He wrote: "The world thinks we idealize our friend, and tells us that love is proverbial blind. Not so, it is only love that sees, and thus can 'win the heart of a weed's plain heart. We only see what dull eyes never see at all. If we wonder what another man sees in his friend, it should be the wonder of humility, not the supercilious wonder of pride. He sees something which we are not permitted to witness. Beneath and amongst what looks only like worthless slag, there may glitter the pure gold of a fair character. That anybody in the world should be got to love us, and see in us not what colder eyes see, not even what we are but what we may be, should of itself make us humble, and gentle in our criticism of others' friendships. Our friends see the best in us, and by that very fact call forth the best from us...

...the glory of life is to love, not to be loved; to give, not to get; to serve, not to be served."
